The Creators Collection: Patterns for Practical People

By Laura Casey

Introducing the Creators Collection Hello, lovely makers! 💛 I am so excited to introduce you to my latest collection of sewing patterns—designed for anyone who loves practical, stylish workwear with a creative twist. Whether you are a gardener, a potter, a chef, an artist or a sewist, there’s something for you. This collection was born out…

Inspiration & Collaboration – Working with Woven by Society

By Laura Casey

When Robyn reached out to me a couple of years ago about the possibility of using my patterns for her handmade garments, I was absolutely thrilled. This kind of collaboration is exactly the kind of thing I love about the sewing industry – a sharing of creativity and skills. Robyn started her business, Woven by Society,…

Pink City – A collection inspired by Jaipur

By Laura Casey

Welcome to Pink City – our new collection of contemporary patterns. Inspired by a recent trip to India, the designs for Pink City were what I would have liked to have been wearing – pretty, practical garments for travelling and exploring. This mini-collection is not so much Indian in style, as a response to the journey,…

Tulip Dress – Now with Sleeves! FREE DOWNLOAD

By Laura Casey

We are very excited to announce the relaunch of our Tulip Dress! We have listened to your feedback and have acted on it. While the shape has been tweaked and updated, the biggest change is the addition of three-quarter length sleeves. As the Tulip Dress works particularly well in medium and heavier weight fabrics, it makes…

Festive Season Frocks!

By Laura Casey

Party season will soon be upon us and we are all thinking about party frocks! Before you start franticly searching for new party frock patterns, you should consider what you may already have in your sewing supplies. A very simple looking shape made in a beautiful fabric can be all it takes. You can give an…