Welcome to the Saturday Night Showcase! A collaboration between blogger, Hila, from Saturday Night Stitch, Fabworks Mill Shop and Sew Different. Hila has produced a unique collection that encapsulates her quirky, upbeat style using fabrics from Fabworks and, of course, patterns from Sew Different.
To see more details of this collection (and some great dance moves from Hila), have a look at her Youtube video. I love the way she wear her clothes inside out so you can see the construction!
Hila is an entrepreneur, blogger, Youtuber and unshakeable optimist with a passion for creating. She started blogging on Saturday Night Stitch as a way to catalog her sewing endeavors but quickly fell in love with sewing and now has a YouTube channel with a thriving community where she shares, inspires and motivates others to engage with sewing in a joyful way.
She has been featured in sewing magazines and podcasts. You can find Hila dancing in her handmade clothes on her Youtube chanel or read all about her sewing adventures on her blog www.saturdaynightstitch.com